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At Hamsey Green Primary School it is our underlying belief that every child should feel valued and experience the feeling of success in a wide range of curriculum areas. We believe that through the curriculum we can impact on what is in children’s heads and how they feel about themselves, so that they feel aspirational, confident and ready to tackle any challenge that they may face.

We have designed, organised and planned our curriculum to ensure every child receives an appropriate mix of academic and personal development which means that in practice our curriculum places equal importance on core and foundation subjects. We are developing a Topic based learning approach, which covers key skills and learning from the National Curriculum but allows the children to deepen their knowledge and understanding.   We also provide children with the opportunities to focus on developing their life skills through key themed weeks throughout the academic year. These include; Enterprise Week, Maths Week, Science Week and Creative Arts Week.

At Hamsey Green Primary School we place high priority on ensuring children’s physical and mental wellbeing are met. We understand that children will not be successful learners unless they are emotionally secure, therefore we carefully design our curriculum and adopt a flexible approach to timetabling to ensure that we can meet and respond to any issues which may arise. Children’s physical and mental wellbeing are as valued and important as academic development.  We carefully monitor children’s progress with their personal development and our well planned and thoughtful approach to SMSC (Spiritual Moral Social Cultural development)  helps to ensure that every child is well cared for and supported.

Above all, our unique curriculum ensures that every child is given the opportunity to shine, flourish and become 'life-long learners'.

The full Curriculum Statement can be downloaded below and our curriculum maps are available by clicking here.

National Curriculum

The ‘basic’ school curriculum includes the ‘national curriculum’, as well as religious education and sex education.

The national curriculum is a set of subjects and standards used by primary and secondary schools so children learn the same things. It covers what subjects are taught and the standards children should reach in each subject.

Other types of school like academies and private schools don’t have to follow the national curriculum. Academies must teach a broad and balanced curriculum including English, maths and science. They must also teach religious education.  Please follow the link for more information.

N.B Curriculum maps for each Year group are available by clicking here.


Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. Ofsted inspect and regulate services that care for children and young people, and services providing education and skills for learners of all ages.

For more information about Ofsted's reports on Hamsey Green Primary School please click here for our Ofsted page.

Ofsted is a non-ministerial department.  Please click here for more information about Ofsted.