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We aim to extend and enrich the opportunities and experiences offered to the children by offering out-of-school activities where possible.  These may take place during lunchtime or after school and are organised by members of staff voluntarily. 

Activities offered may vary according to the age of the child, the time of year, and the expertise available.  We extend this provision through several activities provided by outside coaches/ teachers. 

Details are sent out to parents at the start of each term and parents/carers sign up for clubs via Arbor. Clubs have previously included: Art, Athletics, Craft, Choir, Crochet, Cross Country, Drawing, Drama, Digital Animation, Environmental, Film, Football, Hockey, Japanese Calligraphy, Library club, Lego, Mindful Coloring, Netball, Tennis and Well-being Club.

Click here for Autumn club Information and sign up details.

Click here for SPRING club information and sign up details


Please refer to the timetable below for details of all clubs running below.