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Our Assessment

Our Assessment

The purpose of feedback and assessment is threefold: to inform the teacher of a child’s attainment and, therefore, to inform future planning; to inform a child of how well they have done and what they need to do next; to motivate a child through celebrating success.


  • There is a consistent and manageable method of feedback, assessment and pupil response throughout the school.
  • Work is assessed promptly and feedback given as close as possible to the time of the work being completed, including within the lesson. Assessment within the lesson is used to shape the course of the learning and inform levels of support
  • All adults working with the children are involved in giving feedback.
  • Children are given opportunities to respond feedback and to make improvements to their work. Clear strategies for improvement are given.
  • Feedback and assessment are used to inform future planning and target setting
  • Giving children opportunities to assess their own and each other’s work builds children’s
  • meta-cognitive skills.

Work is assessed and feedback given in a variety of ways:

  • Live feedback within a lesson, either verbal or written
  • Small-group and one-to-one conferencing after a lesson
  • Self- and peer-assessment
  • Distance written feedback after a lesson
  • Whole class feedback