Religious Education
All children take part in Religious Education. The emphasis of the work is placed on Christian values and teaching. In addition, during their time in school children will be guided towards the understanding of and respect for those who hold different religious beliefs and tolerance, reflecting the multicultural society in which we live. This also links to our British Values. Children can discuss, debate, explore and discover in order to learn more about the world they live in.
We follow the Surrey Agreed Syllabus for RE which can be viewed here. The Surrey Agreed Syllabus takes into account that Great Britain is traditionally Christian while also taking into account the teachings and practices of other principle religions. Each year group studies other religions and compares their similarities. This is currently under review and the new syllabus will be in place from September 2023.
Collective Worship takes place daily. This may take the form of class acts of worship or larger group assemblies and these may include visitors and leaders from the wider community.
Whilst we recognise that parents have the right to withdraw children from R.E. and Collective Worship we hope they will support the ethos of the school and not feel the need to withdraw children at any time.