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4th May 2018

This week's news update


Lower School:    Starfish/Seals    99.3%  
Upper School:    Lobsters 99.3% 

Well done to both classes

Communications this week:


Applicable year group

How it was distributed

PGL 2019 Trip

Year 5

Hard copy 



Any medication brought into school should be handed to the school office and a medicine form completed which can be obtained from the school office.  If your child needs antibiotics 4 times a day, the office is able to administer one of the doses at school.

Teacher Run Clubs

We are delighted to have been able to offer over 200 club places this term! Please remember that it is essential that you inform the school office in advance if your child is not going to be attending a club session which they are booked into.

Please note the start dates for the teacher run clubs for this term:


Year Group

Start date

Gardening Club

Years 3 – 6

Tuesday 8th May


Years 3 – 6

Wednesday 9th May

Multi Skills

Years 1 & 2

Thursday 10th May

Art Club

Year 1

Thursday 10th May

Drama/Music Club

Years 5 & 6

Thursday 10th May

Computing Skills

Invited children

Thursday 10th May

Homework Club

Years 3 – 6

Friday 11th May


Years 4 - 6

Monday 14th May


Years 5 & 6

Monday 14th May

Batting Skills

Years 3 & 4

Monday 14th May


Nut Free School

Hamsey Green is a “nut free school”. We have a number of pupils in school with nut allergies, so please take care not to pack nut products into your child's lunchbox. The school greatly appreciates your help in enabling it to do everything it can to keep our children safe.


Exams at Warlingham

Please could we respectfully ask parents to be mindful of the fact that GCSE and A level exams will be taking place at Warlingham School very shortly and exams will still be taking place after the end of our school day?  Please could you ensure that children are as quiet as possible as they walk past Warlingham school.  Thank you for your co-operation.



All items of uniform should be clearly labelled with your child’s name. If you use a pen to label your child’s uniform, please ensure you intermittently check if the name is still clearly visible as it can often fade after several washes!


Croydon High Open Evening

Croydon High have advised us they are holding an open evening on Thursday 17th May.  Please visit their website at for more details.