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Stop Press 20th September 2019

News items for week ending 20th September 2019

News items for week ending 20th September 2019

Attendance for this week

Infants:                  2 Murphy   99.6%                  

Juniors:                  4 Rosen      98.4%

Well done to both of these classes


* School News App *

​​Firstly, you will need to download the app from either the iTunes App Store , Google Play or Windows Store by clicking on the relevant buttons below or by loading up the app store on your phone and searching for ‘School News’.

Once you have located and downloaded the free app, launch the app and you will then be able to either click on the ‘Find my school’ button which uses the phones GPS to locate all the schools in the surrounding 20 miles, or you can type in the schools postcode and click on ‘Get my school’ button.

Once you have this app on your phone, notifications of events and new calendar dates are sent directly to you.  Please download so you don’t miss any important dates!!


Communications sent out this week:


 Applicable year group

 How it was distributed

Intimate Care Policy


Hard copy

School Money Login


Hard copy

Club Letter

Years 1-6

Hard copy


Thank you!

Thank you to the Year 6 parents for coming to the SATS meeting yesterday and also to the Year 1 parents to the Big Write introduction.  For those that were unable to make the SATS meeting, there will be another one next Wednesday 25th September, 8:55-9:25.  Please click here for the Big Write presentation, here for the parent handout and here for the SATS presentation.  Both presentations are also on our website.

​Thank you to all those who came to Read with your Child today. We hope you and your child enjoyed the time together sharing a story. 

Today we welcomed the Chair of the Trustees, Mrs Quinton, to Hamsey Green. She was delighted to see the new Reception and Year 1 classrooms and how well the children have settle in being on one site.



Warlingham School have expressed their concerns of parents walking through the grounds after dropping pupils off at Hamsey Green.  Please note that as of the end of next week, the gates between the schools will shut at 8:30am and parents will need to walk via the rear gate if they wish to exit this way.  Please can we also remind you that parking is not permitted for parents on the Warlingham site.

Please can we remind parents of all children, that for safety reasons, pupils should not be allowed to play on the trim trail before and after school.

The vehicle gates are to be used for vehicles only.  For your own safety and the safety of the children, please use the pedestrian entrance/gate only.


Forms for School

If you have yet to fill in a food allergy form for your child, please can you come and collect one from the office and return as soon as possible.  Thank you.


PTA Meeting

We are having a PTA meeting on Thursday 26th September at 8:45am in the hall.  All are welcome!


Macmillan Coffee Morning

Please come and join us in the school hall on Friday 27th September at 8:45am and again at 2pm.


Hockey at Trinity School

Trinity Hockey Club are running coaching sessions for boys and girls aged 7-11.  They will take place every Sunday morning starting 22nd September, until Easter (excl Christmas) at Trinity School.  The sessions will run from 10:30am – 12noon.  The cost of this programme will be £60 per child for those below Year 7; £70 for Year 7 and above – this works out at less than £3 per session.

Please email Sanjay Bowry at for further information and registering your interest.


Open Mornings

Whitgift School have their open morning tomorrow, Saturday 21st September.

St Bede’s in Redhill have their open mornings on Thursday 26th and Friday 27th September.  Please click here for their flyer.

Trinity School have their open morning on Saturday 5th October.  Please click here for their flyer.


Head lice

As the children are now back to school, please can we ask you to regularly check your children for head lice.  Thank you for your cooperation.


The Word of the Week was

Infants       -         Wander – ‘To walk in a leisurely or aimless way’

Juniors        -        Abnegation – ‘To renounce or reject something’


Riddle of the Week for pupils (last answer: the letter ‘C’)

What starts with a P, ends with an E and has thousands of letters?


Please note, if articles are submitted late for publication, they will be published in the following weeks’ stop press