Stop Press 12th July 2019
News Items for week ending 12th July 2019
News items for week ending 12th July 2019
Attendance for this week
Lower School: Inkpen 100%
Upper School: Walliams 98.4%
Well done to both of these classes
Communications sent out this week:
Communication |
Applicable year group |
How it was distributed |
Ocean Club & Main gate update |
Whole School |
School Discos
Years R/1 disco will be on Tuesday 16th July 3:00-4:30pm.
Years 2 to 6 disco will be on Thursday 18th July 4:00 – 5:30pm.
The Year 6’s will be provided with some additional ‘activities’ and ‘treats’ during this time.
Tickets will be available to purchase online from Friday 12th July at a cost of £2.50 each in advance. The price on the door is £3.00.
Pupils in Rec and Year 1 will be provided with a raffle ticket, snack and a drink included in the price.
Years 2 to 6 will be able to purchase snacks and drinks at the disco tuck shop (no more than £5 each please) as well as buy a ticket for the raffle if they want to.
Year 6 Leaver’s Play Tuesday 16th July 2019 6pm -7.30pm
We look forward to seeing as many Year 6 parent’s, family and friends to the Year 6 Leaver’s Play.
Leaver’s Assembly Friday 19th July 9am
Parents and carers of pupils in Year 6 are invited to attend the Year 6 Leaver’s Assembly on Friday 19th July at 9am.
This usually finishes about 10.30am. Please remember to bring lots of tissues!
End of Summer Term 2019
Just a reminder that we will finish this term on Friday 19th July at normal time of 2.50pm and 3pm due to the early closure for building works.
Please can you make sure that any medication that is usually kept in School is collected by the end of term. This is particularly important to those who are currently in the Lower School. Anything that has not been collected, will be disposed of.
School Meals
We have been advised by Surrey Commercial Services that there will be a small increase in the cost of school meals from September to £2.35 per meal.
Sports Days
From Reception to Year 6, I am sure you saw the amazing team work of our pupils. The determination to give all the events 100% gave them the opportunity to show all the School values aspiration, collaboration, optimism, resilience and nurturing. Thank you to all of the adults who came to cheer on the children and for joining in at the end and the ‘little ones’ who participated in toddler races! I hope you had as good a time as we did - the traditional races are always the favourites - the egg and spoon, three legged race, sack race and a space hopper - amuse us every time!
Polite reminder
Please can we remind you once again, about safe practice in dropping your children off to school. Please can you not drive up on the kerb to drop children off. Pupils in Year 4 and below should be accompanied into school and not allowed to walk up through the gates on their own. Also, children should not be climbing trees before or after school. Your children are your responsibility before and after school. Thank you for your co-operation.
Summer Cookery Workshop
Cookhouse in Caterham are once again running its children’s cookery school workshops at Sunnydown School, during the summer holidays, they cost £45 per child per workshop. Please click here for further information.
Events at East Surrey Museum
The following activities will be available at the Museum during the upcoming 2019 summer holidays 10.30am to 12.00 and 2pm to 3.30pm on each of these days. All materials supplied. Donations (please) to cover the Museum's costs.:-
Wednesday/Thursday 24th/25th July – Make a human skeleton!
Wednesday/Thursday 31st/1st August - Make a plaster of Paris fossil!
Wednesday/Thursday 7th/8th August - Make a clay name necklace!
Wednesday/Thursday 14th/15th August - Make an Aboriginal dot painting!
Wednesday/Thursday 21st/22nd August - Make a spiral snake!
Wednesday/Thursday 28th/29th August - Make a clay coiled pot!
Please click here for more information or please go to
The Word of the Week was
Upper School despicable - ‘deserve of hatred and contempt’
Lower School dashed - ‘moving quickly’
Riddle of the Week for pupils (last week’s answer: a bottle)
What type of cheese is made backwards?
Please note, if articles are submitted late for publication, they will be published in the following weeks’ stop press