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18th May 2018

News items for this week


Lower School:    Penguins    98.0%  
Upper School:    Lobster 98.9% 

Well done to both classes

Communications this week:


Applicable year group

How it was distributed

Merit Reward letter

Puffafish class

Hard copy (replies needed)

Chessington Zoo trip letter Year 3 Hard copy (replies needed)
Education & Skills Funding letter Whole school Email


A message from Miss Elstob

Well done to all of our Year 6 children who demonstrated resilience, pride and perseverance whilst taking their end of KS2 Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs). We are very proud of their mature efforts and hard work! I also want to say a huge thank-you to all of the staff members involved this week, in ensuring that the four days of SATs were administered successfully and for continuing to demonstrate high aspirations, expectations and a nurturing approach towards the pupils.

Well done also to our Year 2 pupils who also commenced some of their KS1 SATs this week and best wishes for the rest of the assessment period, which will continue into next week. All adults have been amazing, at ensuring that the children applied their skills and knowledge to the best of their ability.

 Special thank-you also goes to you the parents, for ensuring that  Year 2 and Year 6 pupils attended school, ready for their tests and for all of the dedication and revision you have supported your child with at home.

 Thank you and well-done to all.


Friday 25th May – Mufti day

Pupils may wear their own clothes on Friday 25th May in exchange for a £1 donation to the PTA for the Summer Sounds Festival.  We kindly ask that children do not wear football kits.


Head Bumps – New Initative

From Monday 21st May if your child bumps their head in school we will be issuing them with a red paper wristband displaying the wording “I HAVE BUMPED MY HEAD TODAY”. This new initiative will replace the head bump stickers which we currently use as we are aware that these often fall off of the children’s clothing, especially when changing for PE.


Hampton Court – Year 5 Parents

The permission slips for the Year 5 trip to Hampton Court must be returned to the school office by Monday 21st May and payment is then required by 1st June.


Waitrose ‘Community Matter Box’

One of our parents has very kindly arranged for Hamsey Green Primary School to have one of the 'Community Matters Boxes' in the Sanderstead branch of Waitrose. This will be available for the entire month of June. Last year we were afforded over £300 through this initiative, so if you shop at Waitrose please do visit the Sanderstead branch and donate your tokens!


Class Photos

The proofs for the class photos were sent out with the children this week. Please be aware that Kittle Photography have printed the wrong return date on the proof document. Please note that the deadline for any orders which you would like to collect from school is Tuesday 5th June.


Message for Year 6 Parents

Please be reminded that the payment and slips for the Year 6 hoodies needs to be in by next Friday 25thMay. Please ensure your payment and slips are given to Mrs Johnson (William’s mum) or Mrs Burton (Tyler’s mum) and not the school office!