Parent Medical & First Aid Information
First Aid Information
First Aid is always carried out by qualified First Aiders across the school to ensure the well-being of students and staff. All staff are trained to deal with first aid related incidents. Accidents that occur in the classrooms or the playground will be dealt with quickly and effectively. It is the school policy to provide a basic level of first aid to all those who come on to site.
First Aid is the first port of call after any minor injury, for example;
- Bleeding / cuts / grazes
- Bumps / bruising
Head injuries are always dealt with very seriously - all head injuries, however minor, lead to the pupil being sent home with a letter and / or call to the parent / carer. Please refer to the 'Head Injury in Children and Young People' below.
Head Lice
Head lice are a recurring problem among school children. Please continue to check your child’s hair weekly for lice or nits and treat appropriately. NHS Choices have some excellent advice and treatment information, please visit
HEALTH help Now
This website aims to help people find the right service for their health needs, especially when they need medical help fast but it is not a life-threatening emergency.
It lists common symptoms and offers suggestions for treatment, with the one which works best for most people listed first. Health Help Now then links through to local services, and shows whether they are open or closed, their location and directions. You might like to look at the HEALTH help NOW Advice sheet below late night and Sunday pharmacy information.
Non Life Threatening Accident
Is it for me? A&E is for life-threatening accidents and emergencies only. Before you go there, ask yourself, is it a real emergency?
You can dial 111 for fast, reliable medical help and advice for anything that is not a life-threatening emergency. If you think you need to go to A&E but you’re not sure, call 111 first and talk to a fully trained adviser supported by experienced nurses and paramedics.111 is a new service that is being introduced across the country to make it easier for people to find the right local health services quickly when they need them.
Scarlet Fever (Public Health England)
There has been an increase in cases of scarlet fever which is likely to rise over the coming weeks. Scarlet fever is a common childhood infection cause by Streptococcus pyogenes, of group A streptococcus (GAS).
Please take a look at the "Scarlet fever: frequently asked questions" information sheet below.