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Tandridge Learning Trust (TLT) is committed to working towards a more sustainable future; therefore, we aim to use resources in a way that can be maintained over time, without depleting them.

We believe that schools will play a critical role in contributing to the national initiative to cut carbon emission levels. Across a single school or Multi-Academy Trust, changes such as reducing electricity use and improving the energy-efficiency of buildings can have a huge impact.  Schools can also help pupils and students to be more sustainable in decision-making and to have a positive effect on climate change.

We are working in partnership with Let’s Go Zero - the national campaign uniting teachers, pupils, parents and their schools as they all work together to be zero carbon by 2030.

Each of our schools is putting in place a climate action plan, which covers the following areas:

  • Decarbonisation – taking actions to reduce carbon emissions, e.g. becoming more energy efficient
  • Adaptation and resilience – e.g. taking actions to reduce the risk of flooding and overheating
  • Biodiversity – e.g. by engaging with the National Education Nature Park
  • Climate education and green careers – making sure the education we provide gives knowledge-rich and comprehensive teaching about climate change, and that our staff feel supported and actively encouraged to develop this
What we are already doing at Hamsey Green Primary School
Category What we're doing
  • We recycle printer/ink cartridges 
  • We have a recycle clothes bank
  • We have a preloved uniform sale twice per term
  • We offer preloved costumes and Christmas jumpers
  • We send preloved school reading books to charity 
  • We offer book swaps 
  • We have preloved teddy raffles and re-home loved toys to wraparound care, nursery, etc. 
  • We encourage wildlife; planting butterfly, bee and bird friendly plants in class beds
  • We use compost bins for waste
  • We use water butts to water class beds
  • We have LED lighting throughout
  • We encourage the community to conserve energy- tracking consumption to reduce our carbon footprint 
  • We use class recycling bins
  • We encourage reusable water bottles and plastic free disposable cutlery and cups
  • We donate to the local foodbank 
  • We upcycle pallets - lunch box storage and the library shelves etc!
  • Our caterers, Twelve15, have a plant-based option every day and a Meat Free Day 
Adaptation and resilience
  • We encourage walking to school/cycle/public transport
  • We engage with Bikeability and provide bike and scooter storage areas
  • We run a Golden Boot Summer Challenge
  • We teach our Year 3s about the Feet First Walking programme 
  • We planted 1,000 hedgerow whips and 6 trees in Dec 24
  • We have developed a 'wildlife outdoor learning area'
  • We have outdoor classrooms 
  • We regularly utilise our beautiful pond
  • We have bug hotels
  • Each class nurtures their own flower beds - linking to nurture value
  • We promote the RSPB bird watch and Butterfly Count

Climate education, green skills and careers

  • We have Class Eco monitors and Gardening club in the summer
  • We educate through whole school assemblies, noticeboards and newsletters
  • We include lessons on topics such as climate change, renewable energy, and sustainable agriculture.
  • We run various climate projects 
  • Our class enterprise products require a focus on sustainability
  • We have curriculum topics and learning about the impact of climate change
  • We host talks by SES water 

Let's Go Zero visited the school in January 2025 and is helping us to work towards becoming even more sustainable.  They produced a Carbon Footprint Report for us.  Click the image below to view a larger version in PDF format.

Photo of Count Your Carbon Score

For more information about sustainability, there are links available on the Tandridge Learning Trust (TLT) website.  Click the button below to go to the relevant page.