11th May 2018
Our latest news update
Lower School: | Starfish/Seals | 96.0% |
Upper School: | Jellyfish | 97.8% |
Well done to both classes
Communications this week:
Communication |
Applicable year group |
How it was distributed |
Hampton Court Trip |
Year 5 |
Hard copy |
New Website
We hope you are liking our new website, and have had the opportunity to familiarise yourself with the new layout. There are some areas of our new website which still require updating slightly which will be happening over the course of the next week, so please do bear with us during this time.
Dates for your Diary
You may have noticed on our new website that the Dates for your Diary section is no longer there. You are now able to view all upcoming events on the front page of the website in the School Calendar section.
Stop Press
On the new website, Stop Press is also very easily accessible by clicking on the link at the very bottom of the front page.
Curriculum Booklets
Curriculum booklets for the Summer term have been emailed out to parents this week for each year group. These are also available in the Parents section of our website under the heading, Curriculum Information.
PGL 2019 for current Year 5 children
Please could we have any outstanding reply slips back by Wednesday 16th May indicating whether your child would like/would not like to attend the PGL trip in 2019.
Information for Year 6 Parents
Letters have gone out to Year 6 parents regarding purchasing ‘Year 6 Leavers’ hoodies. They are reasonably priced at £8.00 and come in a choice of two colours. Please speak directly to Mrs Johnson or Mrs Burton if you have any queries regarding the purchasing or payment of the hoodies.
A big thank-you to them both and the other parents involved, for organising this lovely gesture.