New News Story
News items for week ending 28th September
Attendance for this week
Lower School: Inkpen 99.6%
Upper School: Rosen 98.9%
Well done to all of these classes
Communications this week:
Communication |
Applicable year group |
How it was distributed |
PGL Payments Plan |
Year 6 (children going to PGL) |
Hard copy |
Book Fair |
Whole School |
Hard copy |
Butser Farm Trip |
Year 4 |
Hard copy |
Parent Governor letter | Whole School |
Huge congratulations to Sonny and Anand in Year 6 who have been voted in as Head Pupils. Alongside them, Isabelle and Savanna have been voted in as Deputy Head pupils, so congratulations goes to them too!
Our Prefects/Team Captains for this year have now been chosen and they are:
Zoe, Riley, Sienna, Connor, Ayman, Mia, Peyton, Taylan, Emily and Ellah – congratulations!
We have had many more certificates and badges awarded this week! Well done to all the children who have been voted in as School Councillors and Mini Team Captains too!
Thank you!
Thank you to those who came to support the McMillan Coffee Morning, we will let you know as soon as possible how much was raised!
Harvest Festival
We will be celebrating harvest festival at school on Thursday 18th October. This year we will once again be supporting Nightwatch. If you would like to make a donation towards Nightwatch please send in your donations with your child on Thursday 18th October. They would gratefully receive donations of the following items:
- cans of soup (biggest need)
- cans of fruit and vegetables
- cans of meat or fish
- tea bags
- toiletries such as shampoo, toothpaste etc.
Book Fair
The book fair will be arriving at our school from Monday 15th to Friday 19th October every day from 3pm- 3.30pm. The book fair will be held in both the Upper School Hall and the Lower School Library during these times.
There are over 200 titles for you and your child to choose from, and with prices starting from only £2.99, there’s sure to be a book for everyone!
Don’t forgot that every book you buy can help to get FREE BOOKS for our school! This is a great opportunity to stock up our classrooms with brand new resources.
If you are available to volunteer your time to help at our book fair please let us know by completing a form inside the school office lobby areas.
Uniform Orders
We are currently out of stock of some uniform items which may mean there is a slight delay in receiving your uniform order while we wait for our delivery to arrive. If you are using cash to pay for uniform, please kindly ensure the correct money is given. Unfortunately we do not keep cash on site so there will be a delay in getting change to you.
Medication in School
Any medication brought into school should be handed to the school office and a medicine form completed which can be obtained from the school office. If your child needs antibiotics 4 times a day, the office is able to administer one of the doses at school.
Special request
If you are considering upgrading a middle sized TV screen or have one spare, please consider donating it to Hamsey Green for our entrance halls! We are also looking for a couple of portable CD players in good working order. Please contact the school office if you would like to make a donation.
Nut Allergies
Further to last week’s Stop Press, nut based products such as Nutella and cereal bars which have nuts listed in the ingredients should not be brought into school. The school greatly appreciates your help in enabling it to do everything it can to keep our children safe.